Saturday, October 10, 2020

Miss Ivy's Figgy Houses

I've got another beautiful quilt to share from Miss Ivy, a.k.a., Roberta - Figgy Houses. (Miss Ivy is proving to be a natural at this, isn't she?) 

Between the quilt name and the fabrics that she used, it's not hard to determine that it's inspired heavily by Fig Tree Quilts.

This quilt is made from two Fig Tree collections, Ella and Ollie and Scarlet and Sage. I always love seeing how Roberta quilts her quilts - she has a terrific eye for what design will work, and executes perfectly.

Roberta made this one in April/May to hang in their entrance for the summer - she has an amazing collection of quilts to greet her clients. Of course, with COVID-19, house quilts took on a whole new meaning!  

Aren't they just the most charming little houses?

The house block is from a Thimble Blossoms pattern called Summerville and the sashing is a favourite of hers from Snow Goose (I shared that quilt with you quite a while ago; mine has yet to be cut. Ahem.). It is a simple 9-patch but it has so much impact! I have used it on Country Charmer and have to admit that it's a fave as well.

If you are celebrating Thanksgiving this weekend, it will be a little smaller and a little quieter than usual as we all try and follow coronavirus protocols, but there is still so very much to be thankful for, including the fact that we have the comfort of our own little houses to help keep us save. Happy Thanksgiving!....M


  1. Beautiful! The quilting gives the quilt a fairy tale aura. I almost expect a little elf to peek out of one of those windows.

  2. This is beautiful and the quilting quite remarkable. I have some of that fabric and I keep wanting to make a house quilt. I like Anne's comment too.

  3. Oh, goodness — is it Canadian Thanksgiving already? The seasons are all just melting into one another. I can’t keep track of what day or month it is with everything wiped off the calendar by COVID-19. Lovely quilts, and I agree with Anne about the “fairy tale” quality to the quilting. Whimsy, perhaps? :-)


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