Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Cool Stitches

As much as it's been lovely to have the sweltering heat of the summer behind us it seems as though we have missed the lovely days of September and jumped ahead to the cooler days of October already. We've had our share of rainy days, too. And the football season has started again. It all spells the perfect weather to get back to the hoop.

Earlier this year I had such high hopes that with the pandemic lock down I would just fly through to the finish line with the hand quilting on Candied Hexagons but this quilt is proving to be a lifer. I do bits and pieces and then say goodbye to it for a good stretch of time.

Oh well, I'm back at it and have knocked a few more hexies off the list. My trusty painter's tape keeps me on the straight and narrow; I love not having to remove the quilting marks.

I'm really looking forward to quilting this hexagon; I think it's one of my favourites. It's good to be back...M


  1. such a lovely quilt to work on! Hope you don't lose momentum.

  2. Sometimes when we rush through something we forget to stop and admire our own work. Your hexies are lovely and the quilting is adding another layer to be admired. I like to use tape whenever I can. It sure beats trying to get the marks out.


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