Sunday, May 10, 2020

Sunday Stitches

As often as I can on Sundays I like to join the crew over at Kathy's blog as I savour an hour or two of slow stitching.

#QuiltBee: Candied Hexagons quilt
Lately, my schedule has been packed with little time left for stitching and I am missing my quilting greatly, so this weekend it has been a return to the needle and thread therapy that helps soothe my ruffled edges and helps put things in perspective.

#QuiltBee: Candied Hexagons quilt
I'm back to the hoop and quilting on Candied Hexagons. With the completion of each new hexie I am one step closer to the finish line. I think that I've got about 16 left to go - woohoo!

#QuiltBee: Candied Hexagons quilt
That's 16 of the pieced hexies. Scattered in amongst them are a number of large hexies - not pieced, just dramatic large prints. My next decision will be to figure out how to quilt them as they are all different.

I had toyed with concentric circles or a spiral, but I'm not sure that's a great fit. Randomly following the flowers in each print is an option, too. Maybe I just develop a straight line pattern that works with the others in the quilt?

#QuiltBee: Candied Hexagons quilt
Hope springs eternal that my progress continues and that I will be needing to be make that decision sooner rather than later. In the meantime, I still have some work ahead of me.

Happy Mother's Day to all that are celebrating today. While I no longer have the blessing of sharing time with mom it will be a good day to fill my thoughts of her as I quilt....M


  1. One quilted hexie at a time will get you closer to the finish line. My stitching time tends to get shortened by busy weeks also. Annoying. Having something ready to go, such as your in the hoop, makes it more convenient to pick up and work. Enjoy your stitching time today.

  2. Lovely quilting! Hope you have a great stitching day!

  3. What about quilting the piecing pattern into the larger hexies? Would continue the theme and more than anchor them down. Just a thought;-)

  4. Sweet project for a slow stitching Sunday.

  5. When hand quilting I always try to think what it will look like on the back. I would quilt the large plain hexies the same way you quilt the pieced one. It will keep life simple and the quilting on the back will look like the blocks are all the same...two sided quilt!

  6. Your Candied Hexagons quilt is beautiful. Lovely quilting. I am stitching Sweet Sunday at the moment which is a reworking of the Candied Hexagons pattern. I too am deliberating as to how I will quilt it. Sometimes a lot of thought seems to whirl around and around as to the question of quilting, doesn't it. However you choose to quilt those parts, it will look amazing.

  7. Just enjoy each hexie as you quilt it and before you know it it will be a masterpiece. Your stitches are lovely btw.

  8. Since I am currently hand quilting a top that was finished almost 20 years ago, I would consider your 8 year old quilt top as still marinating, not a UFO yet!!!


Thanks so much for stopping in - I look forward to reading your comments.