Sunday, April 12, 2020

A Mini Easter

In no way is this a typical Easter. No Easter service, no family gathering. But that doesn't change the meaning of the day. And we're all doing our part to keep ourselves and others safe, which is just as important.

Our premier soothed the anxieties of little ones around the province this week when he announced that, despite the self-isolation protocols in place, E. Bunny was an essential service so there would be no problems with him making the rounds today. It looks like one of his happy little helpers is just down the road...

So, if what you've got in the house is a basket of mini eggs, it must mean that it's a sign to pick up Minnie and do some hand stitching, right?

May you enjoy a blessed Easter with those who are near and a little hand sewing, too....M

1 comment:

  1. Hope you had a wonderful day. It does look like your mini eggs coordinated nicely with Minnie!


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