Sunday, February 23, 2020

More Hexies

Slow and steady has been the approach on Anna Levens lately and it is paying off. A couple of days ago I finished off filling in the second corner of the centre panel with EPP hexies so now I'm working on the third.

Initially I thought that I was going to be working on the baby quilts that I showed you the last time but the weather has been so spectacular today that I just couldn't get myself to go downstairs. Instead, I'm hanging out with Anna and seeing if I can get another row or two added to the cause. Not a bad trade-off....M


  1. Oh, just look at all those sweet hexies! Each and every one is so pretty!

  2. All those colors and all those hexies. This is going to be beautiful. Keep going!

  3. What a nice change from what you were working on before. Hand sewing can be so amazingly therapeutic!:)

  4. Thanks for the close ups Marie. Look at those very pretty fabrics and lovely stitching.

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Thanks so much for stopping in - I look forward to reading your comments.