Monday, February 17, 2020

A Carpenter's Daughter

It's a long weekend here in Ontario as we celebrate Family Day so yesterday I spent time with my sister Anne, yakking and stitching. She pulled out her Carpenter's Star that's been basted and ready to go for a few months now and we explored ideas on how to quilt it.

In no time at all she was off to the races. The palette is soft and dreamy and in my mind evokes beautiful large snowflakes. We both commented on how just a little quilting changes the look of a flimsy almost immediately.

She's having fun and apparently made lots of progress after I left. Our father was a talented carpenter in his day and it warms my heart that here she is working on a quilt pattern that speaks to his life and work.

I didn't stitch but was busy cutting more hexies for Anna Levens. I have lots of lighter prints ready to baste to the papers but need the occasional richer print to add to the mix. It was a lovely way to pass the afternoon. I hope that if you are celebrating Family Day that you find an opportunity to share it with someone close to you, too....M


  1. I think this is my favourite quilt of Anne's collection. Love the palette and the pattern!

  2. Thank you. I realized the other day that it is the first one I made which has such soft colours. With each step I like it that much more.


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