Sunday, January 19, 2020

Snow(man) Day

For the second weekend in a row we've received a significant dump of snow so we started our day by attempting to dig ourselves out. This little tree is in an urn on our back deck that we put up for the holidays. It developed a Grinch-like bend in an ice storm a few weeks back and never really recovered; now there's only about a third of it showing.

#QuiltBee: flying geese quilted placematAfter a couple of hours with the shovel I'm thinking that this won't be a day to sit at the machine and work on Pineapple Tidbits. Instead, I'm going to settle in with the Official Cookie Tester for some good football - the NFL conference championships will both be decided today.

I've quilted the four snowman placemats that I had started for the Holly Bazaar last fall and sewed the binding on as well, so they are ready to be hand stitched.

#QuiltBee: flying geese quilted placematTwo of them are now bound so I'm thinking that two football games should give me ample time to finish up the other two....M


  1. That poor little tree. But, the good news is that you are getting snow. We, in the west, treasure each snowstorm because it means there will be water for irrigation in the summer. It's seems kind of appropriate to be working on snowmen today.

  2. Love the photo of your wintry wonderland but gosh it looks a wee bit chilly. I cannot imagine shovelling out all that snow! Love your sweet snowmen. Such gorgeous fabrics.

  3. Love the Grinch reference to the tree. That's so true. Lovely stitching project. Stay in and be warm and enjoy. It's 14 degrees in Ohio today. Brrr.

  4. Hand stitching the binding is my favorite. It's such soothing, repetitive work! I'm a little jealous of your snow! We had a few flakes this morning, and that was an unexpected surprise!! :)


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