Wednesday, January 15, 2020

One Shoe Box at a Time

#QuiltBee: Pineapple Tidbits quilt block
About six years ago I wrote a post resolving to move Pineapple Tidbits to the finish line but I'm here to tell you that its been about six years since I've actually touched it.

SIX YEARS!!! How does that happen? Especially when it is sitting neatly in a shoe box atop a little shelving unit right next to my machine and I can see it every single time I head to the machine! I mean seriously - it couldn't get any closer.

Like every other project, it helps to be in the mood to work on it and this week the mood seems to have struck me. It's all cut and organized into baggies, I just have to sit down and apply myself a bit.

#QuiltBee: Pineapple Tidbits quilt block
And so I have. I've added half a dozen blocks to the finished pile in a few days. I'll soon bring out the big box and see how many I have now - I may be closer than I think.

This is proving to be a great project to work on between bouts of shoveling snow - no cutting or planning required, just sit down and sew. There's more snow in the forecast for tonight and again on Saturday so if this pattern keeps up I might just put a good dent in this one. Fingers crossed....M


  1. The block you pictured looks great. I bet it feels good to be making some progress on this quilt. I, too, have a couple of projects I'd sure like to get back to.

  2. Don't feel too bad; you're not alone. I have a quilt on the quilting frame. All I have to do is sit and stitch. It's been waiting for me to quilt it for the last five years. What make us stale on some projects? Sigh! ;^)

  3. I've finished binding Joan's Quilt so maybe I'll pick this one up again. Race ya!

  4. Years ago a Pineapple block quilt was on my bucket list. Not so much anymore. The sheer amount of work involved! Good for you getting back to it. They are so very impressive when finished.:)

  5. Oh yes... I totally know how this happens!
    Beautiful blocks... I'm sure you'll enjoy sewing these again!


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