Wednesday, December 04, 2019

Striving For Progress, Not Perfection

#QuiltBee: Country Cousin quilt blocks
While I have resolved to finish up Country Cousin before I start in on anything that is waiting in the wings I have to say that I am not really enjoying working on it - I think I'm too impatient to get it finished up.

#QuiltBee: Country Cousin quilt blocks
Despite my grumbling I do have all of the 8" blocks made now and once they were laid out they didn't look too bad at all.

And I am taking some small satisfaction in knowing that the small design wall is now cleared off.

#QuiltBee: Country Cousin quilt blocks
There is no way that this will be a full sized quilt - these are all of the blocks that I'm prepared to make - but I think that I'll add a few borders to see if I can stretch it out a bit. There are blues in my stash that have been hanging around for way too long so hopefully I can kill two birds with one stone.

This will be a charity quilt so I'm trying to get my head into a better space as I sew - nothing charitable about sewing through gritted teeth 😄.....M


  1. Country Cousins is very pretty. All the soft blues, touches of pink and little flowers give it such a romantic look.

  2. Your blocks are very pretty, but I know what you mean, when a quilt just doesn't speak to you. Maybe as you get the blocks sewn together you'll see it in a different light or if not, you'll know that someone else will love it.

  3. Some quilts are just harder than others I think. This will be very sweet though.:)

  4. This is such a beautiful quilt! The variety of fabrics is amazing...and the softness of the blues....ahhhh....dreamy!


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