Sunday, November 24, 2019

What's Under the Tree?

Its still a little early to be checking for prezzies under the Christmas tree but Jane is busy working on a birthday gift for one of her nieces - a beautiful tree skirt. Her birthday is in early December so the timing works out perfectly to be able to use it right away.

#QuiltBee: quilted Christmas tree skirt
I helped her cut it out a few weeks ago and she's been busy getting all of the panels together.

There are two series of strip sets nine strips wide, burgundy/green and cream creating chevrons that will frame the base of the tree.

The fabrics are rich and will make a lovely heirloom for her niece to pull out each year; I particularly like these two.

#QuiltBee: quilted Christmas tree skirt
It will be quilted very simply with straight lines along the seams that radiate out from the centre and the points will be finished off with tassels. Lovely.

Its got me thinking that this would be a nice item to make for next year's Holly Bazaar, maybe for the Silent Auction. This pile of fabrics that I had pulled for other projects is making me wonder if a skirt in all greens would work. Or maybe all reds? There's time to figure that out but I'm almost tempted to decide now and at least sew the strip sets so that I've got a jump on next year. Obviously there's more thinking to do....M

1 comment:

  1. This is gorgeous. Marie,is there a pattern for it somewhere easy to find?


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