Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Pumpkins, Pumpkins Everywhere

You don't have to look far this time of year to find lots and lots of pumpkin inspiration. Karen at Moose Bay Muses found herself down a pumpkin rabbit hole recently, so I decided that maybe I'd join her.

I started playing with this little block that finishes at 5" using a free pattern that she found on Annette's blog.

They are cute as could be, but you know me and scrappy - just have to loosen things up a bit. So I tried a couple where the stems were less chunky and the odd strip was made of a couple of fabrics. Cute, but still a little predictable.

I think you know where this is going. Given my love of improv blocks/made fabric, I decided to see what totally random would look like. Out came the orange scraps, including the last bits of this black spider print, and I was off. LUV!

I have absolutely no idea what I am going to do with them but they all look great together and I do have to say that they are a ton of fun to make. I suspect that there will be more on the pile before the orange scraps get put away....M


  1. Those are spooktacular! That scrappy goodness is wonderful and, of course, the spiders are the best.

  2. Adorable pumpkins in this post and the last. And the pies look so yummy too.

  3. Awesome! I'm liking these pumpkins the best so far!

  4. Love, love, love them! Especially the last scrappy ones with the blue stems and the spiders. I think you are having waaaaaaaay too much fun!

  5. Love your spiders on the pumpkins. Very fun blocks.

  6. Jane is right -- waaaay to much fun! Retirement suits you!


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