Sunday, October 27, 2019


Its a miserable day today - rainy, breezy, damp and chilly - making it one of those days to sit inside, happily distracted by creature comforts, including needle and thread. There will be lots of time to sit and quilt on Candied Hexagons and watch a little football.

I'm happy to report that I've been able to stick with my quilting since I got back to it and feel that ever so slowly the finish line is appearing on the horizon.

Sometimes I've had the company of the Official Cookie Tester sitting next to me in his chair and other times we've had a little guest who quite likes that seat as well. Both are great company.

This is one of the first blocks that I made for this quilt and I quite like the way the print created a secondary pattern. There was only a small bit of fabric so some piecing was required to make it work - can you see it?
There's something about this purple print that I just love.

Every now and then I get a glimpse of the backing as I stitch and its fun to see the quilting coming through on it too.

This will be a perfect day to enjoy comfort foods as well, including fresh apple crisp. I have to say though that I was mightily distracted at one point when it was coming together because once it was in the oven I discovered that there was an apple still sitting on the counter that should have been included in the mix. Ah well, that just means that there's lots of crumble on this one (my favourite part!)....M


  1. This is a pretty quilt. I've been baking fall desserts too. Apple crisp last week, this week is pumpkin bars. Happy Stitching!

  2. I love how the stitching on the back looks too. YUM! Apple crisp!

  3. Same weather here. It is a great way to spend a rainy Sunday afternoon working on quilts. I planned making an apple crisp too today. But I'll wait under we are closer to the dinner time otherwise half of it will be gone and no one will want to eat dinner. Got beef stew in the slow cooker.
    I love your first star. You paired it with the perfect blue. I couldn't find the "make-do". You did an excellent job at piecing it. Enjoy! ;^)

  4. finally a nice sunny day here but it had been chilly and wet before that - just right for stitching and cooking like you

  5. Your quilt is beautiful! I too love that pretty purple fabric....and the pretty backing. The weather outside your window sounds as if your Sunday will be filled with lovely stitching and the eating of comfort food. Enjoy!

  6. Sounds like a wonderful day. I love quilting thru all the pretty fabrics in a quilt too

  7. Looks like we both got some stitching done because of the weather. Snowing here. Your quilt looks lovely as all those stitches get added.

  8. Your apple crumble looks perfect for an autumn day - and seeing your dish has me heading to the kitchen this week! Such a cozy feeling to be quilting and having the layers tucked around you, isn’t it - your stitches are wonderfully even and I think it is always a pleasure to reacquaint oneself with all the different fabrics that went into putting the quilt together in the first place. Enjoy the process!

  9. It has been dreary rain and wind here too, but your blog post is quite warming and cozy!


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