Tuesday, July 30, 2019

I'm on a Roll

#QuiltBee: Danuta's Garden quilt
Despite Sunday's heat, I made a really good dent in sewing down the bindings for the three Rhubarb Crisp runners and all three are now complete. Yay! I didn't let my needle cool down one bit though and moved directly on to start sewing down the binding on Danuta's Garden.

I had bought this mauve print hoping that I could squeak a backing out of it but there just wasn't enough, so a pieced backing it was. Backings are not my thing at the best of times and knowing that I had to piece it was enough to delay making it til the very last minute. The only thing that made me get it together was knowing that I had to drop it off for Roberta to quilt, so...

a blue/mauve floral was added to the mix. I like the contrast between the graphic and the more romantic feel of the two fabrics, and if you want to let your imagination roll a bit, it sort of reminds me of a garden with a lattice or fence. Sounds like it would work for a 'garden' quilt, don't you think?

That floral has been in my stash for soooo long that I was happy to have a reason to use it. So happy, in fact, that I decided to bind the quilt with it as well and I'm thrilled with how it looks. Here's a peek of the back. When I come up for air after all this hand stitching I'll share pics of all four pieces....M


  1. When the M quilter calls you just have be creative and get that backing together. Good picks. Great job on all that binding, too.

  2. I hate doing the actual work of sewing the pieced backings, but I much prefer the look. Your fabrics are a wonderful blend and will only add to the character of the quilt! It really is a great feeling to finally find an excellent use for an old piece of fabric. I love that little thrill of meeting those kinds of challenges.:)


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