Tuesday, May 14, 2019

When the Going Gets Tough, The Tough Get Sewing

It has been a terrible year for flooding in our area and dear Jane continues to battle the waters around her home. They have finally started a slow decline but she needs to run pumps 24/7 to fend them off, so a group of us have been doing shifts to help her out. This past weekend was my turn. So, what do quilters do when they are trapped in a cottage surrounded by water? Well, they sew, of course.

I took one of the Rhubarb Crisp runners to show Jane and maybe lift her spirits a little because she was toying with making one too; she also wanted to see how the Bloc Loc ruler worked. I arrived to her sorting fabrics for this very project, so it was great timing.

flying geese: QuiltBee
Her palette is still autumnal, but with more plums and deep rose prints than reds and greens; it is gorgeous – so rich. We were off!

We got everything cut and a good start at the flying geese during the daylight hours and then, while I was on the night watch, I sewed more til I ran out of thread (I didn't trust myself to sleep and wake with an alarm). The last few were finished up the next day and trimmed.

On the second night I spent the wee hours of the morning with Minnie.

Mulligatawny Soup: QuiltBee
Thankfully this time around (she went through this just two years ago!) she has not lost power so to help keep our strength up 😊 she made a fantastic Mulligatawny Soup. OMG it was good. So good that I’ll be making it again tonight for dinner.

Jane's Rhubarb Crisp table runner: QuiltBee
She hand stitched the 4-goose units together and has laid everything out. Her cornerstone blocks are more random than the pattern shows and she’s also included a great Kaffe stripe in the mix. 

Jane's Rhubarb Crisp table runner: QuiltBee
I suspect that the next time I see her, which may be later this week, she will have it all together. Keep calm and quilt on....M


  1. Great stuff, Marie!

    I hope you were able to sleep during the day, and are catching up now that you are home.

  2. Looks great!

    Isn't it amazing how many stitches you can get in while waiting to tend to the pump?

  3. What a dear friend you are lending such a helpful hand, both with the pumping and sewing. I hope the water recedes quickly.

  4. Beautiful article Marie. And way to make use of the time spent on flood watch.
    Me, I did sudoku to stay awake....nothing as creative as what you accomplished.

  5. Strong women, may you know them, may you be them!! Thanks for lending a helping hand for the flood effort little Rie. Most appreciated when the flood hand is also a quilting hand. Great project and love the colorway. All the best, get your rest. Lindianna xox

  6. Sending Jane some positive energy. I know she needs it. My friends too are flooded yet again this year. It's taking forever for the level to go down. Love what you've both done stitching wise. Good luck. ;^)

  7. What wonderfully creative projects you have going on amidst the stress of all that water...you are a true blue friend to those around you.

  8. What a wonderful thing to do for a friend. I hope the water recedes soon!


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