Friday, March 22, 2019

The Scream Heard Round the Kitchen

Huddle quilt pattern: QuiltBeeIf you heard a long and painful primal scream tearing across the universe lately, please do not adjust your set - it was likely just me at the cutting board. A year ago I received the lovely pattern for Huddle by Eye Candy Quilted for Christmas from my favourite niece so I thought it might be time to get it started. So, I commandeered a corner of the island in the kitchen for several evenings (its easier to cut there than on my table) and slowly worked my way through getting all the bits cut and sorted.

Now, I pride myself as being someone who was good at math but I'm thinking that pride might have been a tad misplaced. I'm not sure if it was 'user error', the fact that several of the piece dimensions differed only by 1/8", I was dealing with positive and negative versions of the same block, or that I was trying to squeeze all the cream pieces out of a piece of fabric that was just not large enough. I will spare you the blow by blow details, however suffice it to say that pieces were cut too small and some were cut on the diagonal that never should have been. Arrrrgh.

I started out wanting to use two creams, the solid for the centre blocks and the darker cream for the border blocks.
That changed to finding a way to incorporate three creams...

and ultimately ditching the solid cream for these three prints plus the scroll print in the image above. What was remarkable to me, the queen of yardage, is that I kept picking fabrics that I didn't have a lot of, which made the math even more interesting.

By the time I finished I was in a bit of a state and I had to let the smoke settle in the kitchen; if I was on blood pressure medication I would have been reaching for it. That said, Huddle is now cut and safely sealed in a project box and I will wait for a day when my noggin is in better shape to start assembling a block or two. Whew!....M


  1. Oh. I hear ya! Glad you got it all to work out!

  2. What is there about too small pieces of yardage for a given project that makes us even more determined to make it work? Been there, done that, and have the scraps to prove it! Your fabrics look positively delicious, have fun piecing this, looks like a winner to me.

  3. Oh I know exactly what you're talking about. I need to cut out some things and have been so very distracted! Not the best time for me to try that! So glad you got it figured out.:)

  4. That was me Monday cutting up the last bits of a background I was using. And cutting it entirely WRONG! Thankfully I found a small remnant in my closet that is just enough to make the remaining pieces I need. Whew! I love your fabric pull!!!


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