Saturday, March 30, 2019

The Lure of the One-Inch Strip

My basket of 1" strips has been the focus of my attention lately as I work at making more nine-patch blocks for Omigosh. I've made good progress, adding another baker's dozen to my pile, but I've also managed to do a bit of a squirrel dance at the same time.

Making the nine-patches is a long process because of the number of small pieces needed to make a block (45), and, because I am using up bits and pieces to make up my strip sets rather than cutting widths of fabric (sometimes as small as 1" squares) I think it takes me even longer. Once I get into a rhythm things move along nicely but I really have to concentrate to stay with them.

Enter my distraction. What if I used some of the strips to make corners for tiny little Puss in the Corner blocks?

That sounded like fun, and it was! They will finish off at 3" which puts them squarely in the 'stinkin' cute' category.

Do I have a plan for what to do with them? No. Does that matter? No. Does it make me feel like I am making some progress? Yes. I'm certain that if I made larger blocks I would make much more progress but I seem to be drawn to the teenie tiny right now, so I'll be happy with that....M


  1. neat little blocks - OMG has been on my list!

  2. I love what you've been doing with your 1 inch stripes.especially those little nine patches, but of course, those puss in the corner blocks are pretty stinkin' cute!

  3. Love this!! Looks like lots of fun.


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