Thursday, March 14, 2019

Good, Better, Best

There's been more klepto quilting in the sewing room, all with the intention of moving things along and finishing up another quilt. This time it was Betty's turn to scan the shelves and cubbies to see if there was anything on hand that would suit to back and bind her white-on-white Mother-of-the-Bride.

My apologies for the colour quality. We laid the quilt down on a dark carpet in a windowless area so the photos are a bit dark.

I have accumulated quite a number of potential backings (I hate paying full price for backing and like to pick them up on sale) so there were a few choices to be had.

This is the first combo that we auditioned - the berries would be the backing and the pin dot the binding. If there was nothing else it would have worked, but the backing print just had a much more contemporary style than the quilt top so we kept looking.

Option two was to use a stronger binding print. We were getting there...

There  was another backing print that we tried but it appears that in our frenzy I didn't get a photo of it - it too was more contemporary - it looked like small, hand painted cherries.

And then Betty spied a piece that hadn't been 'filed' with the backings, sitting atop the shelving unit. Jokingly I said, "Get your hands off that!", but we could see instantly that it was perfect - it had just the right touch of aged beauty and romance to complement the quilt. And the colours were much more suited as well - the soft grey, those loose cabbage roses - it just worked.

The muted green and cream piece that we had pulled as binding fabric for the second audition is even better in this combo; it almost looks gold. Drool. Is there any way that this quilt can get better? Now to see it quilted!....M


  1. That is a great fabric combination! I really like the soft vintage romantic feel to this combo.

  2. I have washed the backing and trim fabrics, and am really liking how it's looking. Hope to get this up on frames real soon. THANKS SO MUCH for letting me raid your stash!

  3. Looking wonderful, what a beautiful backing, perfectly soft. And what a generous sister!!

  4. Oh yes, that last fabric is absolutely perfect! Isn't it amazing how that happens, the one fabric you would almost rather hold back? lol Loving the look of this sweet quilt so much! It hits all the right soft and romantic notes.:)


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