Sunday, February 24, 2019

Freezing Rain

It's another stormy day here, and by all accounts going to get worse (it's freezing rain this time rather than a ton of snow). Our street is a skating rink, the perfect excuse to sit in by the fire and stitch. Minnie will keep me company as I continue trying to get the outside border of hexies on more of my hexie diamonds.

There might be a little cutting in the forecast as well. This mauve is slated for one of my hexie borders and I am anxious to see it in situ.

Stay warm and dry everyone!....M

p.s. It is Jane's birthday today and we were to get together for brunch but we'll do that when things clear up. For our girls weekend I had made a cake to celebrate her big day...

... she was both tickled and a little anxious to dig in 😄.


  1. hope your ice storm will not knock your power out! I know y'all are used to snow but I think the ice is not a really normal occurrence? We tend to get more ice than snow and have only had a little snow back in early January I think it was but we have had more than our share of rain. Love your hexies!!

  2. Hi Marie, Love seeing Minnie coming together with all those beautiful fabrics. The cake was delicious, and I still have a piece in the freezer which I will have this week. Thanks again. xo

  3. Ice storms are the worst. But the icing on the cake looks delicious. Having a good project helps to keep the bad weather from interfering with making progress.


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