Tuesday, October 09, 2018

A Great Fall Drive

Autumn is beautiful in Ontario. We are lucky to live in an area where the maple leaves change colour before they fall, giving us a spectacular show to enjoy and it is a great excuse for a road trip. About three hours from where I live, the new Port Hope historic Barn Quilt Trail is a driving route that takes you through rural countryside to view painted quilts mounted on heritage barns.

The gently rolling hills of Northumberland County are scenic at the best of times but now 23 barn quilts offer up a salute to area history, each displaying a beautifully painted board highlighting the narrative of the farm, its function and its people. 

On the trail's website you can see not only the barns but also a bit of their history along with the barn quilts that you can expect to find along the way. They are beautifully rendered. I think that #2 and #7 might be my favourites. 

Seeing these barn quilts led me to searching for other examples online, and there are some beauties out there. I think that this one might be my favourite...

but I also liked this one...

and this one. Unfortunately, I could not find links to these images to share with you.

Want to make your own? Here's a tutorial using either bead board or plywood, depending on whether you want it for indoor or outdoor use.

There have been rumblings recently that a similar project is being considered for our area so maybe one day soon I will be able to share that route with you. Happy trails!....M


  1. Marie I love the idea of a drive and viewing of Barn Quilts along the way. Had a drive today to Paugh Lake and the back hills of Wilno, trees are still spectacular, what a beautiful fall and the warm weather is lovely too. Lindianna

  2. Isn’t it wonderful seeing all the barn quilts popping up everywhere! Here in Wisconsin, they are quite popular, not only mounted on barns but often seen on other out buildings. There are now brochures available to guide travelers along the routes and it seems many counties are trying to outdo each other in boasting the higher number of barn quilts! I have my bear paw “barn” quilt attached to our outbuilding which faces the road so everyone knows a quilter lives in the house. They even make minis which I would love to get and place on my potting shed. Thank you for sharing your favorites and it is so nice to see that lovely blue sky in your photo...we have had a week of steady rain and overcast skies.

  3. What a beautiful way to spend a fall day.


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