Sunday, September 30, 2018

Three of a Kind

quilted Christmas stockings: QuiltBee
Remember those Christmas stocking panels that Linda gave me from her stash a while back which were on my TO DO list for the Holly Bazaar? Well, they are now finished and ready for the craft table. All three have similar but different designs, each with a cute little birdhouse, hence three of a kind. Thanks again, Linda!

quilted Christmas stockings: QuiltBee
I quilted the fronts with a diamond pattern and found a nice soft gold that worked for the backs, quilting those too.

quilted Christmas stockings: QuiltBee
This creamy holly and berry print worked great for the linings; I think it was called Snow Day, which is just perfect in its own way.

To assemble them I took a page from Betty's book, binding the top edges first and then running a binding around the outside edges. That way it's nice and neat and gets a little extra hit of colour from the binding.

And I was able to use a red and white Debbie Mumm check from my stash to bind them with. It worked beautifully but because of how it was printed I had to cut the binding on the straight of grain. I prefer working with a bias binding, especially when there are curves like this, but it didn't work out too badly in the end.

I like the shape of this stocking so I'm going to trace out the pattern for future stockings. I'm so happy to have them finished and added to the pile for the bazaar because it was starting to feel like I wasn't getting much done. Now, back to the list....M


  1. The stockings are beautiful, Marie!

  2. Super cute! Someone will snatch up all three. The binding is perfect.

  3. Great job Marie, you took something that was rather ho hum and turned it into FAB. Someone will be happy to hang these up on Christmas eve. Lindianna

  4. You realize you have leapt from Halloween to Christmas in one short blog post?


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