Monday, May 07, 2018

Sandy's Smitten, Too

It appears that Sandy has now also fallen under the spell of the hexie, more specifically, paper-pieced hexies. I believe her exact words were 'a little addicted'... She's been following along on my Minnie project and decided it was time to jump in with both feet.

Here's a group shot of her beautiful work to date. I'm loving all of the cream hexies that run through the middle of her diamonds from top to bottom - it's like strings of beads. She just picked up the tan fabric that's in the bottom right corner to pull more of that colour out of the florals. The final design is still a mystery but she's having a ball stitching those diamonds.

And, she recently went to a beautiful quilt show where she saw this vintage stunner during a seminar on antique quilts.

Made in 1878-79, it is stitched from 2,147 hexies and you can see that it was quilted in a very tiny diamond pattern. It's incredible how timeless this pattern is.....M


  1. This does not surprise me in the least!! Lovely work, Sandy. I too, love the bead-like effect.

  2. What a beautiful beginning with sandy's hexies and the antique quilt is definitely another beauty. Gorgeous. Soft colors in both.

  3. Beautiful hexies. And what an amazing number of them in that lovely quilt. What work!


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