Thursday, May 31, 2018

More from the Show

I've got a few more pics from last weekend's quilt show to share with you. Blue and white quilts have long been a fave so it's no surprise that I was drawn to this one. It looks like an antique but it's not - it's just the fabric and the pattern that come together to make it so. I believe it was called Julia's Quilt; so timeless.

And then there was this one. While not totally blue and white it leaves the impression of a two colour quilt. It too had a very traditional feel to it. Look at how densely those blocks are quilted!

So soft.

This little snowman making snow angels couldn't help but put a smile on my face.

And then there were these two small quilts made using the same pattern by the same woman, but in two different colour ways.

If memory serves me correctly both were for her grandchildren. Interesting how the different background colours changes the feel of the quilt even though the little woodland character colours are the same in both.

I took this pic just to prove that there is someone out there more anal than I. See that little Dresden cornerstone? It is in a 2-inch square, which means that those teenie tiny Dresden blades are REALLY teenie tiny!

The show was a lovely way to spend a few hours with friends and a chance to bump into, and catch up with, others. Given that it was hosted by the Log Cabin Quilters it was festooned with lovely garlands of large Log Cabin blocks, a nice touch that also reflected the individuality of the guild members....M

1 comment:

  1. Attending a quilt show is an awesome way to spend the day. A different background can totally change the look.


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