Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Fun With Jane

My last post reminded me of pics that I took the day that Jane came to town for a visit. When we were in my sewing room I caught a glimpse of a quilt top that I'd received after mom passed away. I know that she didn't make the blocks but she may have assembled all or some of the top.

It is made with Square in a Square blocks and has a very vintage vibe.

And some fantastic fabrics in it...

...some a little on the wild side. Love those cheddar cornerstones.

It's been languishing untouched for years so I felt it was time to move it along and get it used.

Jane's table topper: QuiltBee
Jane was working on a quilt that she had started last year but was having challenges getting the next border to fit, so we figured that out and she had it attached before she left. She also showed me this lovely little table topper that she made. Isn't it pretty?

Jane's table topper: QuiltBee
That gorgeous blue teapot print reminds me of her sister Linda, who is a tea fanatic.

Jane's table topper backing: QuiltBee
She used this lovely coordinating fabric to back it with; it's all ready to quilt. Isn't it fun to get caught up on each others projects?...M

p.s. Just a reminder that the giveaway for the Lemoyne Star ruler is still open - the Official Cookie Tester will make the draw is this Saturday.

1 comment:

  1. I love the make do attitude of your mom's quilt. Super fun fabrics all stitched together.


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