Friday, January 12, 2018

Moving Things Along

Snippets quilt - QuiltBee
This is what Snippets is starting to look like. The blocks are just up on the design board and not sewn together yet, so the diagonal grid will ultimately become a bit tighter. These blocks will measure 27 x 45" once they are sewn together.

Snippets quilt blocks - QuiltBee
I've got about 15 more blocks made and probably the makings of another 15 assembled and ready to go.

Snippets quilt blocks - QuiltBee
A stitch here and a stitch there and the pile gradually builds. It's a great little block and I'm just loving the fact that each block is different, motivation in and of itself to sew 'just one more'....M


  1. Wow! Those snippets looks great together. Is that the name of the pattern. It seems like a wonderful leaders and enders project

  2. What a great little scrappy block. It's going to make up into a sweet quilt.

  3. LOVE this! Great blocks, that look amazing when set together! I am totally stealing this pattern.

  4. Adorable blocks! The quilt will be beautiful.


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