Sunday, January 21, 2018

From Here to Eternity

omigosh quilt block: QuiltBee
I've been distracted. Again. There are already two quilts that I consider my 'forever' projects - Minnie and Anna Levens - and they will now be joined by a third, the late Sue Garman's Omigosh. I have succumbed. This one will be done by machine whereas the other two are my hand stitching projects, which you would think would give it a definite edge, however, it involves seemingly billions of 1.5" nine-patches. OMG!

omigosh quilt block: QuiltBeeI debated long and hard over this one (I mean, seriously, those little blocks finish at half an inch!) and then before Christmas cut a few strips to see if I liked working on it and, ultimately, liked the blocks. I had a hard time committing. It got put away over the holidays but the other day I pulled it out again and played a little more. I  finally realized that it all came down to colour.

omigosh quilt block: QuiltBee
Many of the quilts that I'd seen done up in this pattern were made from reproduction fabrics and that's where I started, but they just weren't doing it for me - it's not a palette that I use in our home and I just couldn't get excited about it. I toyed with quitting but it just wasn't letting me go so I sewed a few more blocks. Now that I see a small collection of the 1.5" nine-patches made from my scraps it has made all the difference.

omigosh quilt block: QuiltBee
And, when they came together into the larger nine-patch (a huge 4.5"!!!) well - again - OMG! I'm toying with a slight change to the design but still need to work that out. Either way, it may well take me from here to eternity to finish, but it's so darned cute that it will be fun trying....M


  1. I've been making scrappy Tiny Nines off and on for 3 years now. Thanks for the beautiful reminder that I need to make more!!

  2. Good luck on this long journey. It is a project that has been sitting on my to-do list since ... sliced bread! But I so want one because it is so wonderful but I always get distracted. When 365 Challenge is done, it will be its turn. Meanwhile, I'll just sit back and enjoy your progress. ;^)

  3. Enjoy your long term project. I finished my version last year and I kind of miss working on the tiny blocks. Hope you find your own individual twist. Here are my blocks:

  4. OH, my! Until eternity might be the name of your newest project. It will be exciting to follow along. Are you cutting strips from your favorite stash and making piles of tiny squares?

  5. That is a very cute block. Your color choices are spot on. I'm wondering if the speed 9-patch method would make this block easier to assemble.

  6. Oh, I'm so looking forward to seeing this progress! And if you tire of making those tiny blocks at some point you will have some fabulous mini-quilts! A win-win either way in my book.

  7. What a good idea to use scraps from your other quilts in these nine patches. I've seen Sue's quilt; it's stunning. I think you'll like the finish. Good luck.

  8. Wow those are some teeny weeny squares and blocks!
    Great that you found your colour zone is going to keep you interested in this long term project.

  9. Oh my! This is going to be so challenging but awesome too!

  10. It is amazing what happens when you cut fabrics small enough and mix in enough. Amazing things become beautiful.

    That is very tiny. It is good you have a tolerance for unfinished.

  11. I've been saving 1" pieces for years. Now I want to dive in and start some nine patches! Yours are so adorable!

  12. Can't wait to see this one in real time!


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