Thursday, November 16, 2017

Well...Maybe Just One More...

I thought that my table topper frenzy had come to and end but I found one more that I could finish up before my bundle heads off to Madonna House.

This summer I played around with making large Friendship Star blocks using the remains of a couple of Canada 150 fabrics. They were to be for a sesquicentennial quilt project that a local museum was organizing, but when I measured the blocks they were just a tad too small (mine finished of at 11.5"). I didn't want to make more and I didn't want anyone having to fight to make them fit, so I sewed them into a runner instead.

It's large (17" x 49") so I'm thinking that it would suit a nice big harvest table.

It's been pinned and ready to quilt for ages and I decided that rather than walking by it one more time I should just pick it up and quilt it and move it along to the finished pile.

I quilted it with diagonal lines randomly spaced (it always amazes me how the quilting softens the look of a piece). I started out with lines spaced 2" apart and then added lines at will in between, so as much a it's a random pattern there is a little bit of structure to it.

This teal fabric is one that I got from Roberta once when I was dropping of a quilt - she had it for a backing and I just couldn't resist taking a piece of it home. Love it with the gold and cranberry - I might need more...

My first choice for binding was the gold but I found a piece of the teal just before I started cutting and I think it gives it much more life.

So, one more finish. I'd say that it's the last topper/runner for a while, but you never know what I will find lurking about....M


  1. Congrats! on your newly completed table runner. I made a runner the other day, but left out the batting. Super fast project. However, your quilted one is SEW much nicer!!

  2. I, too, like the teal with the red and gold. It turned out great!


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