Tuesday, November 28, 2017

It's That Time...

When I start crawling into bed with my Christmas cookie mags you know that the Christmas Cookie Bakeoff can't be far off. We're getting together on Saturday to bake to our hearts' content and start filling our freezers with goodies, so I'm making a list and checking it twice.

I found this recipe for a Cream Cheese Gingerbread Thumbprint which looks very tasty and would be sweet on a plate, but I'm not sure that I could nail the piped frosting. Nothing to lose in trying though, is there?

And while I've been pouring over mags and recipe books Stephanie introduced me to a gorgeous one that I had not seen before called Bake From Scratch. It's produced in the States and she has picked up four editions so far, so there is lots of eye candy for me to drool over.

It is a truly beautiful magazine, from the recipes (which do not look overly complicated) to the paper stock. I'll have to keep an eye out for it.

It's not all cookies - there's baking of every kind - but there are definitely cookies to tempt me.

I've always wanted to try making Madeleines. Apparently they are best just out of the oven, so they won't make the cookie tins, but some day soon the Official Cookie Tester is in for a treat...

So, I'm prepping my tins and trying to pick my top four recipes. Somehow I always end up with a baking list that is much longer than four recipes but things always turn out - time determines how many of them will get baked. Christmas karma....M


  1. Thanks for a post about cookies...I love seeing food things. I am going to try gingerbread biscotti this year as my new thing. I inherited a Madeleine pan but have never made them. Really should try sometime. Happy looking!

  2. Lots of delicious treats coming up by the looks. Beautiful inspiration x

  3. Oh, the offical cookie tester is probably in heaven now with new cookies to taste and favorites to enjoy. A very cool looking magazine. I'll have to look for it.


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