Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Peppermint Twist

It has been what seems like a pretty steady diet of bindings around here lately but, fear not - I managed to get distracted enough to play with some red and white fabrics. I'm calling this table topper Peppermint Twist. It should do a good job of getting someone into the Christmas spirit.

There has been a stack of pinwheels on my table for a while now and I just wasn't sure what I was going to do with them. I really liked the idea of doing something in just red and white so eventually I came up with this layout. I think it would make a fun Christmas quilt too.

It's shows off lots of fun reds like this...

and this...

and this one with 'jingle bells' and other Christmas messages running throughout, one of my faves.

The stripe for the border softens things up just a tad because it is mottled with a little white; reminds me of snow. I'll bind it with red just to frame everything.

So, there are two more toppers that I now need to figure out how to quilt. I'm thinking that these might be the last of the toppers for the bazaar but you never know - I thought I was finished last week! It's all fun....M


  1. Hi Marie,
    I love everything about this topper. I love red and white together; I adore pinwheels; stripes!! A total win-win-win in my book. I am certain this will sell in a hot minute. ~smile~ Roseanne

  2. Such a lovely pinwheel peppermint the red/white...hugs, Julierose

  3. oh wow!! this looks so awesome!!

    thanks for linking up!

  4. Absolutely adorable!!! Perfect for Christmas.

  5. I love your Peppermint Twist - it's so fresh looking and makes me think Christmassy thoughts! :)

  6. Those are great....perfect peppermint pinwheels for Christmas.

  7. I'm a sucker for pin wheels lately, and all your points are just SO! Not as easy as it looks, I know, so kudos to you for putting these in a little Christmas project. Maybe some slow stitching on this one?


Thanks so much for stopping in - I look forward to reading your comments.