Wednesday, October 04, 2017


It feels like the Cone of Silence has descended on my blog of late, but there's a really good reason for that. Julia, who I lovingly refer to as my 'favourite niece' (she's also my only niece...) was married over the weekend so there's been lots of prep and company and fun over the last little while, none of which included my sewing machine. There were also several moments of pure bliss. One was when the happy couple rode off from the ceremony in this gorgeous old red truck that the groom, Ryan, spent the last year totally rebuilding. It is magnificent!

Another was when they opened their gift from Julia's parents. Betty finished the gorgeous star quilt that she's been working on for a little longer than Ryan has been working on the truck and it was a huge hit with the newlyweds. It is a work of art. I wasn't smart enough to get more photos of it but will try and do that so that I can share it with you.

So now that the dust is settling I continually find myself smiling at the how special it all was, but it's time to return to reality and refocus on getting things ready for the Holly Bazaar, which is just a month away (eek!). This is the view from my sewing machine table - a star topper that's been laid out for a couple of weeks now and ready to be sewn. Pitter patter.....M


  1. Oh, my gosh, that red truck is awesome. What a special get away vehicle. So glad the newlyweds loved the quilt.

  2. What a gorgeous quilt. I had to click over to see more details! Very special wedding gift. And that truck is fabulous! What a great getaway vehicle!

  3. Congratulations to your niece! I agree, that star quilt is gorgeous, I love the fabrics. Happy Thanksgiving!


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