Sunday, September 17, 2017

My Blue Period

It's been more than a little busy here lately with one thing or another, but I'm determined to fit some some time in to work on table toppers for the Holly Bazaar.

I had prepped a pile of toppers to quilt for whenever the mood struck me, including the Old Italian block runners, and happily that happened this week.

I liked the size of the blue and white one (4 blocks x 4 blocks) ...

but when I looked at the scrappy runner it just looked waaaay too large for a runner.

So I ripped a couple of seams out and made two smaller 3 x 3 toppers that I'm much happier with (plus I now have three instead of two!). There's three blocks left over so I may work those into another topper, but I wanted to see some progress so I just set them aside for now.

All three are quilted and a pile of blue binding has been made so all are now ready to stitch down the binding on - I've got the first one half finished. That will be my hand stitching today.

I wanted these three ready for next weekend as we are baking pies at the church and one of the gals is interested in buying one, maybe two, for a friend that she will be visiting out in the Maritimes in early October, so they will be 'advance orders' that I will take to her. I'm happy to do that for her but it means that I will still need to make several more for the bazaar table, so I need to keep the pace up 😊....M


  1. These runners will sell quickly at your bazaar. So pretty!

  2. I absolutely love the color combinations and fabrics that you used in your runner/toppers . . . that design is so pretty. Also, what to you call that little thread holder, was it something you made or something you purchased? I think it would make a great Christmas gift for my sister-in-laws. I want one, too :) I could put it on my husband's Honey Do List, LOL. Sometimes he enjoys having a small project out in his workshop to do when he wants a break from his canoe building.

  3. Looking great! Good idea dividing the runner into two square toppers.

  4. Oh what lovely runners--I really like them in the blue and white so spiffy looking. Hugs, Julierose

  5. Love those runners I'm sure they are going to be a big hit. The blue fabrics are so bright and cheery.

  6. All great artist seem to have a blue period. Your toppers are delightful. I remember reading about your pie making get together before. It simple amazes me what you all do!


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