Monday, September 04, 2017

Gettin' Serious About Santa

It happens every year about this time. I sit bolt upright in bed with the realization that the Holly Bazaar is just a little over two months away and I have a lot of sewing to do! This year my favourite niece is getting married at the end of September, so that takes a sewing weekend or two out of the mix. Then there's Thanksgiving... I think I need to take a leave of absence.

What to do? Make a list and get busy. It's always too long but I like to pick and choose from a few options in case I get bored with what I'm working on.

So, with list in hand, I pulled a selection of Christmas fabrics to cut blocks for the ever popular Scrappy Star table topper; I'll make three or four of them. It's always fun to find a favourite that you thought you had used up.

A pile of blocks from last year's blitz was still on the corner of the sewing table (hard to believe, I know 😉) so I laid them out, found a few white scraps for the stars, and put it together, so it's ready to quilt. One down. Hopefully my quick start doesn't make me complacent....M


  1. A list can always help. At least youhought of getting to it early. Nancy Halverson always has cute holiday fabrics.


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