Sunday, August 27, 2017


It's amazing what you find when you are clearing out your emails. Anne sent me a note in the spring about a quilt that mom had started and that she has been working at off and on the last few years, and I totally forgot about it until I came upon her email again this week. She's calling it a quilt-in-a-box; here's what she wrote. 

"It’s almost as if mom knew that someone else would be completing it. All the pieces are there, extra pieces are in the box, and all the instructions and fabrics are there as well. 

And…I had forgotten that she had laid out the pieces for each block between pages of the Eganville Leader, March 27, 1991 (a local newspaper). From her notes where she kept track of hours, she started in 1990; mom’s organizational skills at their best.

It’s called Roses at the Window.

It’s been a few years since I have worked on this and from what I can recall I thought there was a shortage of some of the colours but it appears that everything is there.

I have assembled seven rows of 15 blocks. I have a feeling I do not have any more of the ecru so will have to find some to match.

I think mom had made some of the blocks and I have hand stitched the rest. I will need to make more blocks to complete it."  

When it's finished it will be another great memory of mom that Anne can curl up into....M


  1. What a beautiful multigenerational project!

  2. That is such a beautiful quilt. Your mother had beautiful taste in fabrics. It will truly be an heirloom when it's completed. Happy sewing! Andrea

  3. What a delightful treasure. A gift from one heart to another.

  4. Seeing this brings tears to my eyes. What a wonderful memory of Mom.


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