Sunday, August 06, 2017


I've been playing with hexie layouts for the corners of the centre panel of Anna Levens, primarily because I'm just about out of paper hexies and I'm wondering if it's time to start sewing some of these together to free a few papers up, or if I should just bite the bullet and cut more paper hexies too.

I've only got a little pile turned under and several of them are duplicates so I need more variety.

Of course I couldn't resist laying them out alongside the larger hexies to see how everything might look together. Nice. Anna will be my hand work for today - either finishing off the cream hexie border or turning under more hexies for the corners, or maybe both...M.


  1. Hexie...a new addiction for me. I like your color scheme.

  2. Such pretty hexies - loving this project of yours!

  3. Lovely colors--they will look beautiful hugs, Julierose

  4. Beautiful! What more can I Say?

  5. Beautiful hexagons, Marie! Pretty colours!

  6. Hi Marie, thanks for introducing me to the Anna Levens quilt. What a lovely discovery! Your quilt is coming along nicely. It's very loverly.

  7. How very pretty! Your color scheme is so very calm! Your work is absolutely perfect! So lovely! Thank you for sharing!

  8. EPP makes such crisp perfect edges. Your hexies are beautiful. I'd probably cut more papers so I could play around with the pieces more before I'd have to sew them together.


Thanks so much for stopping in - I look forward to reading your comments.