Thursday, July 27, 2017

The Smaller They Are, The Harder I Fall

Tiny scraps have taken me hostage again.

As I've been trimming the Bowties for God's Green Earth I've been setting the small pairs of triangles aside. When the pile got too big I sewed them together with a scant seam allowance to create a pile of lovely little HSTs that finish off at 1.25".

Rather than wait for that pile to continue to grow and be shoved into a 'some day' corner, I went on the hunt for a new HST block to try. Enter Crown of Thorns.

At first I wasn't sure that I was going to be accurate enough to have blocks that looked any good, but by the second try I figured out the right pressing formula and it made all the difference.

The blocks are just a little over 6" and just adorable. These photos are a little on the dark side but rest assured that in the right light they almost sparkle.

I've got a feeling that the Crazy Lady might ride again because I'm imagining an entire quilt of these little cuties alternated with neutral blocks, but I don't know if I'll have the stamina for that. There might be enough for a border though, or to incorporate into a medallion quilt.

Time will tell, but in the meantime I'm enjoying seeing them up on the wall and imagining the possibilities, something I wouldn't have had if I had just pitched all of those little beauties into the waste basket. Now back to God's Green Earth so that I can get more scraps!...M


  1. I love seeing the little bits get used! I have done that too

  2. Just lovely little blocks--hugs, Julierose

  3. These are adorable!!! I love them!!

  4. Isn't it funny how the scraps project takes over from the main project ? Very cute little blocks!

  5. Those definitely are adorable and i can see why they've been addictive. Have fun! Even if you're being held hostage.

  6. Very pretty little blocks, they are too nice to not make more!
    Interested that you said pressing a certain way got them to sit nice. I was give on a heap of triangles a few years ago from a friend and I sewed them all and tried a few half square triangle blocks but some were just too bulky because of the seams allowance.
    Any tips?

  7. Wonderful words of wisdom! And a beautiful first quilt! Thanks for sharing.



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