Tuesday, July 04, 2017

Finishing Touches

Since I gave Stephanie her Confetti quilt for a retirement gift last year she has been on the lookout for pillows to coordinate with it. She's got a bundle of remnants that she has been carrying around trying to find something that works, but hasn't had much luck. Well, her luck has changed.

When we found this collection of fabrics (the bundle on the right are the fabrics used in her quilt) I offered to make a couple of pillows for her.

She now has two 24" pillows and is thrilled. At one point we thought that there might be enough of a couple of her remnants to work into the pillows, but given the lengths that we needed that was not to be.

We got the idea for the pattern in the shop where we bought the fabric, which took all the thinking out of it (well, almost).

They are quilt-as-you-go with very simple lines of quilting.

I still want to make up two pillowcases for regular sized pillows that she can use in behind these on her bed in the dark red/orange check print. It should make for a nice statement. She's thrilled, and so am I because they came together much faster than I had imagined. Wonder how long it will take me to finish the pillowcases?....M


  1. Super cute.......hello from Sew stitch snap share in New Zealand!

  2. Pillowcases take about an hour and you can make both at the same time. Many patterns on the web for burrito style so there are no exposed seams.
    Have fun

  3. Love that entire collection of fabrics - my favorite colors!

  4. Gorgeous pillowcases! I am so glad you were able to make them for her.


  5. What a great idea, matching pillows! They look wonderful!!

  6. Lovely idea! I recall not too long ago there was a buit of a craze to make matching pillows as you finished each quilt. Thanks for sharing on 'sew stitch snap SHARE'

  7. How nice to help out a friend with such lovely pillows. I need to make some of my own since I have so many bits and pieces of batting and stuffing from old pillows and have been wanting to make my own pillow forms and pillows. I'll keep this pillow idea in mind.

  8. Great coordinating fabric. The simple pillows compliment the quilt and the design doesn't take away from making the quilt the star. What a sweet friend you are.


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