Sunday, May 28, 2017

The Final Four?

The last of the large framed hexies for the centre panel of Anna Levens are now complete, or at least I think that they are.

The pattern called for seven hexies but I've ended up with nine because I'm looking at a bit of redesign.

Square quilts aren't my thing usually so I'm toying with this arrangement instead.

It will mean modifying all of the remaining borders and spaces, but I'm okay with that. I was planning a slightly cleaner look for the outside border so it looks like the original pattern will be my muse and I'll go from there.

My concern is whether or not to use the hexies with the plum background and cream border that I originally rejected (the second version is at the top of the layout with a green border. It means that the plum print is the only large floral to be repeated.

I have this combination that I could use to replace it. What do you think? Do I stay with what I have or make the blue one?

While I decide I will begin cutting and prepping the cream hexies that will join all of these beauties together. I've got two options - the solid and a slightly lighter print. I think that the lighter version will win out.....M


  1. I prefer the lighter print. I don't think you need to replace the duplicate block. It looks great!

  2. My only thought was if you're using cream hexies to connect all of the larger pieces would the cream frame disappear.

  3. I always have to make my final fabric choices as I go. If I plan ahead I always change my mind any way. I am sure you will make the perfect choice. It looks great so far. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  4. I really like what you currently have. The layout is beautiful as are all the fabrics.

  5. To replace or to keep? That really depends on how much the duplicate gets on your nerves. Can you live with it? If you replace, what will you do with the duplicate? Only you know that you had another available fabric. Anywho! I'm sure you will do what is right. I love what you have on the wall. ;^)

  6. I do love that blue fabric!
    Enjoy the creative process!

  7. I don't see how you can go wrong with either option. I agree with a previous comment - will you be able to live with it if you have the repeat? I think it's lovely.

  8. This is so beautiful; either way is fine, it's not that obvious (to me), I like the combination you selected.

  9. I'm sure one selection will edge out the other as you ponder the differences. It's sure to be beautiful either way from what I can see!

  10. Your hexies are so beautiful, as is your layout! Sorry, I'm not help with color husband is my "color picker"! :)


Thanks so much for stopping in - I look forward to reading your comments.