Monday, April 03, 2017

Spring Stitches

Spring appears to have arrived just as the calendar turned over to April. The last couple of days have been bright and sunny and lots of snow is finally disappearing; now we are impatient for it to all go, and fast. Hand quilting is the perfect antidote for impatience, so it was back to the hoop yesterday.

Candied Hexagons is moving along beautifully.

I spread it out to get a sense of how much I might have quilted to day and it look like I might be almost half way there. This was the block that I got to work on - isn't that fabric beautiful?

This is one of the blocks where I experimented with a pattern other than the star motif - there are a few scattered throughout.

At the risk of repeating myself, this is going to be one quilt that I will miss when it comes off the hoop - it's a really nice one to work on - but I suspect that there will be more to come!...M


  1. Beautiful quilting! I like that you're mixing it up a bit with the centers! That quilt will be a treasure!

  2. Each hoop gets you closer to being done. That's what I tell myself each evening. The variety of patterns certainly adds to the charm of your quilt.

  3. Beautiful work! Love this! Some day I'm gonna cave and start one of these projects, I just know it.:)


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