Sunday, February 05, 2017

The Other Half of the Pile

You saw my collection of little four patches that emerged from the scraps that I dug out from the corner of my cutting table. Well, I've also put together 35 crumb blocks with the remainder. It boggles the mind because that pile just did not look big at all.

Granted, I dug into my red and green scrap bins just a bit to round things out, but really, a quilt's worth of crumbs sitting on the corner of my table?! Ah, the power of the pile!

I started out making 5" blocks but increased them to 6.5"; they will finish off at 6".

There are several that are really crumby...

and then there are some with larger swaths of colour to help everything breathe a bit. I found that if I just put a few together at a time I got more variety with the layouts, otherwise they all seemed to start looking the same. At times it felt like the pile would never disappear (initially I thought that I might have enough for a runner - ha!) but a little stick-to-it-ness paid off.

Originally they were all side by side on the design wall but they weren't looking like much so I've spaced them out a bit which I think lets the individual blocks shine a bit more, so I will sew them with a narrow sashing. It's not a huge quilt but will be fun to use on the sofa; I think I'll call it Crumby Christmas.

I've also found the perfect backing for it - this Debbie Mumm snowman print. I cannot even begin to imagine how old it is but it works nicely and it will be nice to get it used....M


  1. I have made a couple of scrap vortex/crumb quilts. The scrap pile never really gets smaller. Your crumby Christmas quilt will be done in plenty of time for this Christmas!

  2. I love the idea of making crumb blocks with Christmas fabrics! I have a pretty full drawer of those kind of scraps myself!

  3. Crumby Christmas? LOVE it!! Isn't it AMAZING how far those scraps will stretch???

  4. What fun, Marie. Red and green together is one of my favorite combinations. I like that you're going to use sashing. It will allow each block to shine on its own and it will make it so much easier to sew those blocks with lots of seams.

  5. I LOVE Crumby Christmas!
    What a happy quilt it will be, too!

  6. This quilt is so interesting . . . I could look at it all day, it's gorgeous.

  7. Christmas definitely won't be crumby with that cool looking quilt

  8. Christmas definitely won't be crumby with that cool looking quilt


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