Monday, December 26, 2016

Merry Christmas!

I'm a day late in my greetings for the season but in my mind Christmas goes to January 6 so I've still got plenty of time to wish you all a very Merry Christmas. I hope that you enjoy it in the presence of those you hold dear.

It's been more that a little bit hectic here lately (I feel like the Christmas hamster, if there is such a thing), but the cream puff ring got made... did the fondue and the mince tarts. And the turkey is now just the promise of delicious leftovers.

And after a couple of days of going full out in the kitchen and shuttling to and fro for family celebrations, today I started things off with a great cup of coffee from my new Christmas mug, compliments of the Official Cookie Tester. I suspect that it will come in handy when those cookie tins start emerging from the freezer too....M


  1. The merriest of Christmases to you too, Marie. Hope you are safe and sound at home, and don't have to travel anywhere today. I am holed up at Linda's and we are crafting and eating leftovers. We should be fine for at least a week! LOL.

  2. Love that 'Christmas Hamster' comment! I told my girls this year that the holiday is not always kind to the women folk.:)

  3. Your baking is always scrumptious looking. I hope the hamster wheel is slowing down to include more sewing time.

  4. Merry Christmas Marie! Love that mug.


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