Sunday, November 13, 2016


The sewing machine is still holding my dining room table captive but I have to say that I've been a bit of an accomplice to that. As I started cleaning things up from my bazaar blitz and getting things ready to return to the basement realized that I had close to enough squares already cut to make a second silver and gold runner for me, so I thought, "What the heck?".

It came together really quickly and is now quilted and ready to be bound. I used double sets of rows of stitching on this one and I quite like it.

And that piece of white and gold holly/berries print that I was hoping to back it with worked out perfectly.

This is all that remains - the quilting gods were on my side.

My luck continued with the binding. The leftovers from the first one were the perfect length! I had absolutely no trimming to do - totally love that.

Time for a little hand stitching and this one will be finished off....M

p.s. There was a question about the Patchwork wine mentioned in my last post and whether or not it is available at the LCBO, and the answer is yes. I couldn't reply directly because it came from a no-reply blogger so I thought I'd mention it here.


  1. How nice to be able to make one for yourself with the 'leftovers'.;)
    These colours are quite beautiful.

  2. Looks very pretty and the perfect backing.

  3. It's super when it all works out that you get to make an extra piece just for you.

  4. This sure does look great-and so many things worked in your favor - it's like it was meant to be!


Thanks so much for stopping in - I look forward to reading your comments.