Sunday, November 20, 2016


Yesterday was a beautiful day but my how things can change in a few hours - today is lousy. It's snowy and windy and just a cold slap in the face compared to the last couple of weeks - a perfect day to find some hand sewing distractions indoors.

I decided it was time to take the next step on the large hexie blocks for the centre panel of Anna Levens. This is my first one. It needs a good press, but happily everything lies nice and flat.

The large floral blocks are to be cut 10" and then appliqué a ring of paper pieced hexies over top. I wasn't quite sure what I was doing here because I'm a rookie at EPP so I was pretty generous when cutting the 10" blocks and I'm glad that I did because it gave me lots of room to maneuver. Once it's appliquéd you trim the centre panel seam allowance to 1/4".

What I need to figure out now is whether I remove the basting stitches on the small hexies - if anyone knows I'd be happy if you let me know. If I need to remove them I'll wait and do that after all of the large hexies are together. I think once the centre seven hexies are joined I will revert to adding the remaining hexies the way that I usually do, just eyeballing my seam allowance. I just find it so much easier.

So my second block is pinned and ready to go.

I put a little dab of Roxanne's temporary basting glue at the inside point of each hexie once everything is pinned and so far it and the pins have kept everything where I need it to be. Fingers crossed that the second one goes as well as the first!...M


  1. The basting threads can stay in. No need to fuss with removing them.

  2. Fingers crossed but you are doing so well, I don't think you need to worry. Just go slow and all will go well! ;^)

  3. I think you are doing great finding your way with this. You hexies look wonderful and the fabric is so pretty.

  4. Lovely project. I always liked big flower fabric.

  5. Lovely. Looks like it takes a lot of patience.

  6. Excellent progress there. They look so rich and elegant.

  7. PS: The Anna Levens quilt look so much like the Brinton Hall quilt. Do you know if they are connected? Just curious.

  8. You had a productive stay at home day. Your hexies look lovely. I would have cut a larger square too. No need to take out the basting if you didn't perforate the paper and it shows on the front. Do you need to keep the papers in until you're done with the next step?

  9. Your color choices are gorgeous. And thanks for the mini tutorial. I had wondered how that was done.

  10. This is beautiful Marie, and it is going to be another masterpiece. Looks like way too much work to me, but I will happily watch you while you work on this one.

  11. I always leave my basting stitches in until they are all sewn together...just in case...hugs, Julierose


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