Thursday, November 10, 2016

Backed, Bound and Baked

It's always such a relief to get things packed up and delivered to the Holly Bazaar - it's like the calendar opens up and I can breathe normally again (well, that is until the Christmas baking begins...).

The weekend was spent making lots of bindings, finding backings and finishing up the table runners for the craft table. Can I say again how much I LOVE the folded fabric method for cutting bias binding? So much faster!

So here's a quick recap. First, the summery one - it's finished off with a green leaf binding that helps cut the saccharine feeling that I was getting with the pinks...

For Halloween Lite I stayed with the same black as the outer border and used another green leafy type print for the backing...

And for the Christmas runner I went with the darker of the two binding options that I was considering and a large, loose cream and gold holly and berry print, which I really like. If I play my cards right there is just enough to back a second runner with the remnant.

I wasn't overly inspired on the baking front this year so I made my old reliables - White Chocolate Gingerbread Cookies and Oatmeal Cranberry Chocolate Chip Cookies. I switched things up with a new Pumpkin Walnut Loaf recipe that Anne gave me recently. It has a lovely streusel topping and the recipe made four small loaves, so that worked well.

So, everything has now been delivered and the kitchen is clean again, except for all of the sewing stuff on the table. I'll deal with that in a day or two....M


  1. Fabulous! That gold and silver runner is stunning! The binding is perfect to set it off just right!

    Blessings and hugs!

  2. What a great feeling of accomplishment when you can look at all that you've done. I hope you left a few cookies for the Offical Cookie Taster.


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