Friday, September 30, 2016

Saying Goodbye To Danuta

I'm on the wrong end of the growing season to be planting a garden with the harvest setting in, but, despite all of that, the last stitches have been put into Danuta's Garden. It's cheery summer prints are at odds with the fall colours, but that's okay - it's done.

Now it will sit on a pile for a while until I figure out when an how to quilt it, but that 'steeping' is just one more step in the process.

There's always such mixed emotions when you know that a quilt is finished. You're thankful that it's done and you can move on to something new (or, as seems to be the case more often than not, several things new!) but you know that you'll miss working on it as well. Just like a good book - I hate putting down a great book when the final page has been turned - another chapter in that quilt is finished.

I did a very rough count and there are at least 2,500 pieces in this one. That happy, scrappy little four-patch sashing can take the credit for much of that. It would have been faster to do it by machine but it was a great project to do by hand.

I tried get a picture of the whole thing for you but did that in the middle of the day so they are all washed out - this is the best I've got for now. I'll try and get a better shot but we're in for rain over the next few days so that might not happen for a while. In the meantime, it's on to other things!...M


  1. Congratulations on this splendid finish. Can't wait to see more of it. So many beautiful flowers in Danuta's Garden. I love to let tops sit for a while too. It is also part of my process. ;^)

  2. A true labour of love with such a beautiful result.

  3. What a beautiful quilt! Well worth all those hand stitches!

  4. Well done on your finish! It looks much piecing.
    It does feel sad to finish a project that you have enjoyed, I hope you find your next project that makes you as happy.

  5. It's a beautiful finish and as it steeps during the winter months, you'll know what to quilt by spring when it's time to plant the garden again.

  6. ONLY 2500 pieces!! Brilliant. Looks lovely.

  7. Congrats on your finish! It looks lovely!


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