Wednesday, August 31, 2016

On a Roll

When I sat down to stitch on Sunday I thought that I had 42 border stars that I needed to separate with sashing strips but as I sewed I realized that it was only 30, so things came together faster than I had expected, which was nice.

Since I was on a roll (and the Official Cookie Tester was golfing) I quickly moved the dining room table out of the way so that I could lay things out and plan the borders. The glare from the windows is washing things out a bit, but you get the idea.

The hardwood strips that you see on either side of the quilt are where the last two sashing strips still need to be inserted.

Once I got things laid out I stacked blocks up and made a few hastily scribbled notes so that I would remember what went where. My roll continued and now I have all four borders together - man, I wish all of my quilts came together this quickly! So, two more strips of sashing and four borders to attach and this one will be a wrap....M


  1. How beautiful, Marie!
    --Nancy. (ndmessier @

  2. It's going to be lovely. Nice of hubby to go to golf so you could spread yourself out!

  3. WOW! Looking amazing..
    Well done

  4. Stunningly beautiful!

  5. Beautiful, It's coming together nicely!


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