Wednesday, July 06, 2016

A Little Pre Dinner Sewing

Benny continues to evolve in his quilting skills and insists on helping Dori out with her projects. The other night he found himself consulting on her latest hand sewing project. As Dori's friend Alison put it, "Benny has such a remarkable colour sense and a real nose for design!"

Together they are working on blocks for a quilt guild that is soliciting heart blocks for the victims who survived the Orlando shooting, and one for each of the families of the victims that died. Fittingly, there's one block for each colour of the rainbow in the works.

The pattern is the same sweet heart that she made for her Valentine earlier this year...M


  1. You're blocks are going to be beautiful! I plan to make blocks as well and send them down to Florida.

  2. How cute. Dogs just love quilts don't they.


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