Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Dipping Into The Candy Dish

I dug into a shopping bag that's been moving around the house lately, deciding that it was time to play with larger hexies, specifically the setting triangles for the borders of my Candied Hexagons. This one has been languishing for about two years now and I'd like to hand quilt it, so just like that it has moved to the top of the list.

All the tools and my grade 10 math skills came into play. When's the last time you used a protractor???

The end result is an incredibly elongated triangle, almost 21" long. The setting triangles for the top and bottom edges are the same mauve as the triangles that separate the hexies throughout the quilt top so I just needed to worry about the pieces for the sides and corners.

During the Boxing Day sales this past January I picked up this fabulous pink piece of Art Gallery fabric. I just love it. There is something about it that really reminds me of my Grandma Coulas - not sure what, but it keeps talking to me.

If you've never felt an Art Gallery fabric I highly recommend seeking one out just so that you can pet it for a bit. Sooooo wonderful! And a dream to stitch with, especially if you are hand sewing. There are 10 triangles and four corners to add and I'm hoping that they don't take as long to finish as it took for me to pick this one up again! ....M


  1. Protractors? Is that what it's called? I forgot that lol. So much stuff we had to learn only to be forgotten once life outside school starts. This quilt will be so beautiful. Yes, you have to finish it. Because I want to see the end result and you need to enjoy this beauty too. ;^)

  2. It's interesting what issues delay us finishing a quilt. That's a great piece of fabric you're planning on using for the set in triangles. It's nice when those 10th grade skills come into play!


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