Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Party of One

Woe is me. For the last week I've been fighting with the cold of the century (a.k.a. The Plague) and, for the most part, it has won, totally levelling me. All fine and good except for the fact that I was to be headed to the cottage last weekend for a girls getaway. I was anxious to get caught up on everyone's projects and share them with you but that was not to be. Rumour has it that great things were accomplished so I will need to do some catch up.

As a bit of a get well card Jane sent a book that she was moving along home with Anne for me to enjoy. I crawled into bed the other night to take a good look at it.

It's an oldie from Traditional Needle Arts - 21 years old to be exact - and that is reflected in the projects and fabrics that are shown, but it has a great selection of antique quilts with an interesting variety of quilting patterns, which is really what caught my eye.

Love the cover quilt, which they refer to as 'Strippy Blue & White'. I think Denyse Schmidt did one of  these in green. Now that I have the pattern I'm thinking that it might have to go on the list...

And then there is the beautiful yellow whole cloth quilt. The scalloped edge is just so sweet...

I don't think that I will ever quilt a whole cloth quilt but I love seeing the detailed quilting patterns that I can incorporate into my projects. I have such a hard time deciding how to quilt my quilts but there's lots of good ideas in here.

I'm still barking like a seal and I think I'm about to send the Official Cookie Tester over the edge, but it feels good to know that I'll soon be back in the land of the living. I suspect that this book may have had some medicinal qualities :)....M

1 comment:

  1. So sorry that you had a quilting party of one., but the book looks like it was good company and inspiration. The Strippy quilt would be a great one to make. The piecing would be easy but the quilting, which is the star, might take a bit longer. Glad you're on the up swing.


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