Sunday, March 06, 2016

Things Are Not Always As They Appear

Just after the holidays we received a lovely little package from Dori and Rob filled with baked goodies and delicious heart shaped pieces of fudge. The fudge recipe was handed down from a family friend years ago and has always been a special treat. When the Official Cookie Tester realized that I have the recipe eyes opened wide. I think it might be a request in the near future.

This sweet little packet was included as well.

No label, but more heart shaped goodness inside. Having taken no time to smork back the fudge in the first packet we tore into this one thinking it was a bonus pack.

It was harder than the first batch but we thought it might just have been that it had been sitting around for a while.

But it was much harder. So hard that we dared not test our teeth any further and set them aside. It didn't taste like fudge either so I wanted to ask Dori what it was.

Then I was at Betty's checking out the progress of the quilt that she is working on and noticed that she had these little hearts too, but near her quilt, and the penny dropped. They were made of beeswax, not fudge! It's wax for your hand quilting thread. Too funny, especially when I take another look at those teeth marks. Sometimes you just have to laugh.

We escaped the snow last week to enjoy some warm Florida sunshine and while we were exploring I had my first visit to a Joann's store that so many bloggers write about. Surprisingly, I didn't find as many temptations as I thought I would but I did come home with a few small pieces that I haven't seen before....M.


  1. This is a good laugh on a bright sunny morning. Thanks for sharing the chuckles. ;^)

  2. Oh, gosh. That was too funny! Glad you had a warm respite in Florida.

  3. Too funny! Sounds like something we would do.

  4. One of my hearts has tooth prints in it also. Thankfully I smelled the beeswax and didn't bite too deeply.

  5. Too funny. What a good laugh for both of you.:)

  6. What a hoot! I like that one heart took quite a chomping before it became obvious that it was wax lol.
    Pretty fabrics.

  7. Ooops! Sorry Rie - have to do a better job of labelling; the teethmarks make for a good photo though. Glad that you got to Joann's.


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