Sunday, March 27, 2016

Easter Treats

Happy Easter everyone!

There's never a shortage of chocolate in our house at Easter but I still felt the need to bake.

We celebrated our family dinner last night so I made a few pies for dessert. Butterscotch is always a favourite, so I made two of them.

And, I added a new one to my repertoire - pecan. I learned about a week ago that it's the favourite of the Official Cookie Tester. Who knew??? I always thought his favourite was pumpkin! You're married to a guy for 20 years but do you really know him? :).

If I've made a pecan pie before I have no memory of it, but I'll definitely bake one again 'cause it's dead easy. The recipe that I used also has a pinch of cinnamon in it, which was a nice touch. Not being able to choose, many of us opted for a little slice of both. With 11 of us around the table there wasn't a whole lot of pie left - just enough for a slice or two to be enjoyed today. Hope you all have a lovely Easter filled with some of your favourite treats....M


  1. Happy Easter, to you, too, Marie. I love pecan pie but don't bake it often -- my husband is diabetic (and he loves it, too).

  2. Looks like a delicious Easter at your place.
    Poor cookie tester spoilt for choice!

  3. Delicious. Always good to have a little mystery in a relationship (lol)

  4. Yumo! Those pis look delicious--pecan is one of my favorites

  5. Sounds like everyone had some delicious treats yesterday. We had lemon meringue at our house.

  6. As one who sampled BOTH after dinner, they were delicious -- and slimming, too!


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