Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Making Friends With Freddy

Seeing the wonky baskets that I posted about a week ago prompted Jane to pull down a shoe box of bright scraps that she'd been saving and start working on an improv quilt of her own. She has a couple of books by Freddy Moran and Gwen Marston and has been wanting to give their style and try so now seemed as good a time as any.

She's got a great collection of fabrics...

and in no time was off to the races.

The spirals in the centres of the blocks are from placemats that she found at a flea market. There's a second larger size that she wants to incorporate as well.

I gave her a quick tutorial on how to put together a wonky star and I'd say she's a natural at these too. Luv those fabrics!

The star looks so great with her wonky blocks. I think she's going to have tons of fun planning and putting this one together. I'm certain that she and Freddy will be great friends by the time this is finished...M


  1. This post makes me want to put down what i am doing and have a go. Thanks.

  2. That is going to be one bright beautiful quilt

  3. I made a total of 32 blocks with the bull's eye centres. Now I'd like to make some more wonky stars and see where that takes me. I liked your idea of doing some type of centre medallion with the larger bull's eyes.

  4. Fun blocks. I love the fact that she found that terrific fabric from placemats at a flea market. You just never know where good ideas and fabrics are lurking.

  5. What cracking centres and wonderful, jubilant blocks!
    A natural flair with fabrics clearly lol


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